Urrgh. Tom, that's awful.
Gee, so whoever chucked a tv and microwave in the rolloff instead of donating or recycling it was just striking a blow for god? Good to know. There is a substantial Creation Care movement in evangelism, but I am not surprised to find that FRC does not take part.
In related news, I am tired of pulling cardboard and metal and stuff out of dumpsters and just want to curl up on the couch with steak soft tacos, a bourbon and ginger, and Frankie, and watch new FNL. Not just yet, but soon.
My statement wasn't really fair. I don't think they are all pro-pollution. I think there is an ideology that the all government interference in the market is bad (IMO, government creates the market but that's a tangent) and it influences people to believe that environmentalists (hippies) are vastly overstating the dangers of pollution. Why do they have this irrational concern over the environment? The answer is either religious or they hate America and want it to become a third world country. In my circles, the reason given is just that they are idiots or haven't grown up yet.
But most people have never heard of pantheism, so when they do hear the word now, it's got all these wrong associations.
And once again, I can't talk about what I believe in general company without being misunderstood. Having to explain something someone doesn't know about is not a problem; having to work to correct a misunderstanding is a pain in my liberal pan-worshipping ass.
Did he tell you that it didn't REALLY hurt, and/or that you had a good time?
Not explicitly. HE was having a good time, I though I was supposed to, too.
I am running out the door, but just wanted to let folks know that my MiL's results were good. The swelling is due to radiation not a tumor, and the treatment plan is basically to do nothing else that might interfere with it healing. So yay for no more radiation!
Gads. Tom, I want ita to go back in time and ask your dad if he watches Firefly.
I don't even like movies that make me feel adrenaline-y. It makes me want to get up and leave the theater.
I can see that. I can deal better with movies because they're not actually happening to me, so I think that's why I can stay removed enough to enjoy them (usually). The coaster was actually happening to me, so I just spent the ride noticing how terribly uncomfortable I was.
But remaining calm in a dire situation will serve me well when the zombies come, so I've got that going for me.
Tom, that's very sad.
I still remember my Dad forcing my brother and me to ride the teacups (when we were about 10 and 11) because we had used up all the D and E tickets and he was determined to get his money's worth. I think we drew the line at Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride though.
But remaining calm in a dire situation will serve me well when the zombies come, so I've got that going for me.
But! But! HULK SMASH! Beserker rage!
I just got back three out of office emails telling me the recipients are out until May 17th. Did someone call a vacation and not tell me? Where is everyone? Somewhere fun? Magic Mountain?