The silver lining is, there is no longer any reason for Democrats to play nice with Joe Lieberman.
Oooh. Good point.
I'm not a fan either, Obama throwing his support to a bill that really goes back on some of his promises, the public option and no individual mandates at the very least.
I read "individual mandates" as "individual MANATEES" at first. Clearly I need to go to bed.
Self-entitled assholes can be fun if you don't take them too seriously, and you don't keep them too long.
My problem was that I always took them seriously, and wanted to keep them forever. I never Dated For Fun; I always Dated For Forever. I just always was drawn to the self-entitled assholes, because they're often so damned *charming.*
The only manatees in that bill are in groups. Pods? Crews? Whatever -- they aren't alone.
I never Dated For Fun; I always Dated For Forever.
I solve that problem by not dating.. They're all Mr. Right Now, if they're anytime at all. Which, NSM recently. But it's still a guiding principle.
Stupid country and its politics.
I was already having a not very good day by the time my computer crashed and took swlightly over 4 hours of work with it.
I was considering drinking, but that would require moving off the sofa, and I think I've decided not to do that.
I'm ita in dating. Just no point for me. eta: I know my type. Bad for me.
10 Weird Superheroes You Might Not have Heard About
Mater-Eater Lad is cool!
Say this out loud without laughing we dare you. The true name of Matter-Eater Lad is Tenzil Kem and he’s got the ability to eat matter in any form. Hailing from planet Bismoll this strong stomached wonder first appeared in Adventure Comics as part of the DC Universe. From his story line we find that all inhabits of the planet Bismoll developed their remarkable constitutions when the food on their world became inedible. If you wondered about the fact that Bismoll sounds a lot like Pepto-Bismoll the tummy medicine we’re sure it’s just a coincidence.
But Arm Fall Off Boy freaks me out.
10 Weird Superheroes You Might Not have Heard About
Superdupont is pretty damn weird.
I remember Matter-Eater Lad and Bouncing Boy, but that's because there's a period in the '60s when I read every word DC published.
Just what the fuck is going on here? [link]
I mean, are they friends? Or is the fox bringing home his dinner?
Skipping past all the depressing political results to mention an excellent NCIS fanfic that someone recommended in the Procedurals thread way back (I'm a recent convert to the show, so I threadsucked and searched through the thread for all NCIS references) called "The White Hat Sneakers," and excellent McGee-centered genfic at that I really love. Thanks for the rec belatedly, whoever posted the link!!
Oh, and I just got back from my first library school class!!! Intro to Library Science--11 students, I'm the oldest by a decade, the teacher is really terrific, and the textbooks are costing me way too much (at least I can get one of them through B&N with my employee discount).
The prof passed out an article that outlined the various steps to acquiring information and disseminating it to a librarian's patrons/clients/end user, and it totally tracked with what I do on a daily basis at my job in the legal publisher's editorial library, which I thought was really cool. The prof thought so, too, when I mentioned it after she asked for our opinions on the article.
Since it was the first class, she had us pair up, do a mini-interview and then introduce our partner to the class. One thing we had to mention was a "fun fact," which stumped me for a bit until I mentioned that I had met Julie Andrews once. My interview plotzed, and when she told the class that in her introduction of me, it got a big "oooohhh!!" from everyone else, the only fun fact to get such a reaction.