Had I known you wanted to go...
Oh, god, everybody hates me.
Actually, I doubt I could hold up to an amusement park outing these days.
I wonder if my parents ever really thought they'd have boys. They're not that common on my mother's side in stable marriages. And don't have the greatest life expectancies.
DC, I knew that. I need to drive up and get together with the DC 'istas sometime. I'm too close not to!
BTW, is tonight the first episode of the new season of FNL, or have I missed some?
megan, tonight is the first one. I have missed it so!
Oh well, siblings, that's different. Of course they'll do stuff like that Hank.
But Emmett's never had a problem forming strongly held opinions with no basis in personal experience.
I ate rhubarb for the first time the other night! After spending my entire life convinced I wouldn't like it. But it was in my CSA so I sucked it up and made a rhubarb crisp and it was awesome.
Here's a thing parents don't do! Name you after "the boy they really wanted!" So everybody else, stop asking!
I don't know that my childhood friend Toni's parents really wanted a boy, but they were definitely
and planning for a boy, who was going to be Tony, Jr. So.
I think my sister's boy name was supposed to be David Murdoch (David SOMETHING, but the whole thing leads to a rant on my mother's part so I sort of tune it out -- anyhow, I think it's Murdoch), but my Aunt named her son (my cousin whom I'm convinced is an axe murderer) that mere weeks before my sister was born.
She backtracks on it now, but I was told by mother that MY boy name would have been Angus George.
Then, when she finally had a boy, she named him Ian Bruce.
Of course they'll do stuff like that Hank.
Amazingly, none of my nieces and nephews call me Hank - to them I am Aunt B. When we were going through possible boys names, I had Henry on my list because I thought naming a boy after me would be kind of funny. (Had K been a boy, that boy would have been Zev.)
I love rhubarb and stash some in the freezer every summer so I can eat it year 'round.
I need to drive up and get together with the DC 'istas sometime.
I was definitely supposed to be a boy. I think my name was going to be Mark.
Weekend: today roomie`s folks show up. Recording session for tonight was nixed. Sat: teach, different recording session, Symphony! Where they will be playing my SO`s first orchestral composition! Three movements. So exciting. Roommate will be taking his folks to Sat. night church where he`ll be playing drums. But not us, which is probably a good thing. I don`t know if l`m quite ready to put on my rock face in front of donors! Sun is Mother`s day stuff with the roomie`s family I guess.
Meep. They're evacuating Times Square. Here's hoping for an overreaction to nothing at all.