Well I guess I've had that happen - and even had the other person feel the same way a few times... just not that often.
There you go! I think the same thing happens with people you become friends with to. At least to me it does. (w/out the sexual attraction part)
First time I met Lewis, we were still talking, fifteen hours later.
Twenty-one years later...
I think what bugs me is memories of previous experiences - when after one date the woman tells me she's not interested, and I was thinking, "But how could you know after only one date?"
I think I'm just wired a little differently than most people....
I'm tickled that its the Black folks who DON'T have neanderthal DNA
I bet the race mixing has taken care of much of that in America.
First time I met Lewis, we were still talking, fifteen hours later.
I had that happen once! OK, it was more like five hours, but still....
Sadly, this was the summer before I transferred from UW-Stevens Point to UW-Madison....
after one date the woman tells me she's not interested, and I was thinking, "But how could you know after only one date?"
Sometimes after one encounter I don't have any interest in knowing anything else about the person. There's not enough synergy to make the push and pull worth it.
Sometimes after one encounter (or during the same) I want to slam them against the wall and do naughty things to them.
Sometimes during the first encounter I think I don't want the encounter to stop.
And sometimes I don't mind the idea of more, even if I don't crave it.
It really varies--and I don't have to dislike someone to not be interested. Just that they don't quirk my eyebrows at all.
ita, that all makes sense. Just wish I had that understanding years ago.
I bet the race mixing has taken care of much of that in America.
Likely as not. Still tough on your average racist. Won't anyone think of the racists?