And now I really don't want to do the edits on the stupid little freelance project....
Post best read with O Fortuna playing in the background. Just start the following video in a background tab.
Got the music going?
Don't give up Jesse! You can't give up now, it's not over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No! You need to get back in there. You've got to keep fighting! Not just for you, not just for a narrow Internet community, but for America! That's right, do it for America! We all believe in you! We all know you can get it done!
I need a new speech
Not completely following, I leaned forward and focused on the screen, watching myself, a shimmer white dot amidst swirling color and movement.
Should that be "shimmering"?
Congrats, Jesse!
Go JZ!
M-W lists "amidst" as a variant of "amid", so it seems like a personal preference.
To my ear, "amidst" is vaguely British, much like "whilst."
Yay for job offer, Jesse!!!
My prof for that intro class offered her negotiating skills for us after we get our degrees. She told us that when we get a library offer but want more, to get her on the phone and she'll walk us through how to get more money/better benefits.
She's really great--I hope I get her for another class next year.
Thanks for all the yays and congrats, y'all!!
Feh. I found a job that I want and that I want to apply for, but I have to submit proof of education. Problem is that I work for the place I got my degree from and if I go to the registrar's office for the traditional form, tongues will start wagging. I wonder if I could get away with a photo of my diploma?