As for sushi, you guys need to, when all's settled and you're not dealing with the aforementioned dual mortgages, come out to Seattle and eat at the awesome sustainable sushi place!
I would love that!!! I've never been!
I decided to go vegematarian and am getting asparagus maki, avocado maki, and some "Age" tofu.
I would love that!!! I've never been!
I bet we have them in SF too!
That info isn't on the menu.
Oh, I see the problem now. I didn't really look at the Sushi Selector, I was just tickled that they called it that.
Aspragus maki has become one of my favorites. Nom.
well, you all have been saved from a rambling post about what food I am using up and plan to use up over the rest of the week. I hit something and it disappeared.
ion - eating almond butter straight from the jar? gross or no?
Oh dear. Sports team mascot vs. kid: [link]
I like that kid's instincts. Looks like s/he has had self defense training.
ion - eating almond butter straight from the jar? gross or no?
If you're the only one eating the almond butter, it's not gross, just a little declasse.
Are other people watching? Then I'd think twice. Otherwise, no.
yeah, I am at my desk in the middle of the whole walk-area/department. I'll either dish some out on a plate or buy an apple to put it on.
Could I get some making-it-through-the-day~ma, please? There's a big project I need to get cracking on, and due to distraction and tiredness I made a judgment call last Tuesday that is now biting me in the ass in the form of a short-tempered coworker turning into a ball of vengeful rage, and other job-related info has filtered down that is just thoroughly depressing and disheartening, and I'm having trouble not curling into a ball under my desk and just crying until 5:00.
As long as it's your jar and no one else will be eating from it, go on and eat out of the jar. Why not? Perhaps I am a little declasse.
A big ol' fly got in the house. Taking bets as to how long it'll be before the cats break something trying to catch it. Eh, we can all use the entertainment.
Make it through the day ~ma, JZ, and some job ~ma as well, for good measure.