I'd just like to find a date. I'd take a FWB. Yes, feeling kinda pathetic in this corner.
ION, I just checked to see if the A's have a home game the one evening I'm in California this month. Not sure if I'm a bigger dork for checking or that it took me this long to check.
Bay-istas - I'll be flying in around 10pm on May 26 (a Wednesday). Then the girl and I head out at ass o'clock in the morning to Colorado, by way of Surprize, AZ. It is pretty doubtful anyone would want to meet me at my hotel for a drink on a work night, but I figured I'd toss it out there...
Oh, I'm magic for people who want to date me and then settle down. I've got a great track record there! Seems like everyone I've dated ends up with their Twu Wuv after me...
t looks around, hears crickets
Judging by the available evidence, apparently everyone ends up with their Twu Wuv right
me. Your way is better.
You guys. I just went shopping for comfort shoes for the first time in my life, and holy cow, are they ever comfortable! I had no idea. I think the ones I bought are OK looking. Edit: They are these: [link]
My two-year GF in college got married a year after we broke up. I never really thought of it as a reflection on me at all.
At least I know the Pathetic corner is always accessible.
More pathetic than me, though is probably the guy chasing me via e-mail. And, yes, still pathetic. Because he thinks he can heal my crippled ladypain after knowing me for two minutes.
He really has no idea, and what's wrong with him that he wants my attention so much?
Nobody else does.
This is why I don't do FWB any more. Because at some point, whatever reason I had for not wanting to
him would suddenly seem not as important and I'd want the relationship to change. And it's not fair to him because we would have agreed to be friends, so it would be unreasonable to get upset with him if he was hitting on other women or didn't want to stay for breakfast.
Now, I either sleep with a guy and never speak to him again or am hoping for a long term relationship.
Because at some point, whatever reason I had for not wanting to date him would suddenly seem not as important and I'd want the relationship to change.
Or the flipside. I had an FWB situation and whenever I got a little bitchy with him it was all "you're pissed because you want to go out with me, right?"
Zombiesat! What's Next for the Out-of-Control Galaxy 15 Satellite
The Galaxy 15 commercial satellite that recently lost contact with the ground has joined the ranks of a boatload of other debris adrift in space. It's now termed a "zombiesat" by engineers who have a better sense of humor than you might have imagined.
So what's next for this 4,171-pound (1,892-kg) zombiesat?
This defunct satellite will probably drift to one of two "gravity wells" that catch most out-of-control spacecraft, experts say.
Galaxy 15 could threaten nearby satellites because its communications package is stuck on and it may start interfering with its neighbors by siphoning off their signals. It's the first time such an event has ever occurred, and it sent Orbital Sciences, the satellite's builder, on a dash to figure out how to stop the satellite-run-amok.
This is a cool baseball story. Joe Niekro, one of the best knuckleball pitchers of all time (though not as good as his brother Phil) taught a young neighbor how to throw the knuckler before he died. She's now thrown two perfect games and has been recruited for the top girl's baseball team in the country.