Allyson, I hope the unwarranted feelings pass soon. And YAY on Sam!!
I love texting, and would love to get texts from ppl, since my former smartphone got losted and the backup file got corrupted. I do love my new BlackBerry Tour, though. soooooo pretty.
My FWB got married. I feel terribly numb and broken. Stupid, ugly, and useless. Please send, "let this pass quickly" vibes my way.
Allyson, there's no shame in having been lied to.
Just be glad you're you and not her. You found out he's a jackhole and are rid of him. She may have no idea and is contractually stuck with his ass.
How is the Blackberrry Tour diff from a regular Bberry?
The screen is nicer, the camera's better, the keys are bigger and designed better, and the access times (internet, texting) are faster. The trackball is better, too, but the new Curve has a touchpad instead. That one creeped me out, though.
... The screen is really freakin' gorgeous.
Excellent!! Sounds nice. I would have been a Bberry girl instead of iPhone, only work stuck with non-RIM. Poop on that!
Sorry, Allyson, thsat sucks.
I text all the time We had to get an unlimited plan because my students were running me up a huge bill. But it`s great for us non-talky types. We have a whole little text counseling thing going on.
If I take the way back machine to when dating was a part of my life, I have a hard time seeing how FWB would work. I can't see the F being comfortable about having B without becoming the GF. Maybe that's just me though.
I can see sleeping with someone who is a friend without the expectation of a SO relationship, but that usually goes along with a lack of expectation that it will happen again. I slept with a few of my friends when I was aggressively single.
Aims, its three baby lions OR a camel.
Not both.
Can so. Different barns, is all.
That's hard, Allyson. I think I've had four girlfriends who went and married the next person they dated after me.
But I preferred not to think of as a referendum on my unsuitability. I thought of it more as if I were the last issue they had to resolve with intimacy before they could make a big commitment. I might've still been problematic but I was pretty far along on the spectrum.