Allyson! I'm so happy for you and for Sam! Super awesome.
A while back we went to Thomas and I finally have a pic of all us to upload [link] There is never a possibility when all 4 of us will look good and be looking at the camera and smiling at the same time.
Also, 12 days until Grace comes home.
Also, 12 days until Grace comes home.
A happy thrill just went up my spine.
Sophia, who is your pic on facebook?
That's a great family photo, Kat. Also? Yay!
Congrats, Allyson! I can't wait until I can buy a many copies of Sam!
We had halibut with peach chutney for dinner. Having a friend who is a foodie AND trained nutritionist staying with us is possibly the best thing we've ever done.
This kid is my new freakin' hero(ine).
12 days? Wow, so soon. Go Gracie!
That's a wonderful picture. Hooray for Gracie coming home!
This kid is my new freakin' hero(ine).
Awesome. Both him and the rest of the awesome kids there.