And JZ will be my editor, so I can't trash talk my editor here.
Who with the what now?
Hee! And yay!
We're friended on LJ, aren't we? I promise that I will totally and completely not be offended if you temporarily unfriend me or flock me out for a rant if you find you need a safe space to punch pillows and yell.
It's not really that, JZ. It's more about me being curled in a fetal position and crying like a 2nd grader about being late with my homework and OMG I am a hack and undeserving.
Professionally, it's not in keeping with the creamy cool exterior impression I like to keep with an editor.
Congratulations Allyson! Yay!
Woohoo, Allyson! Congratulations!
Professionally, it's not in keeping with the creamy cool exterior impression I like to keep with an editor.
Oh, they know.
I told mine upfront that she'd get two sides of me-- the intellectual, analytical perfectionist. And the crazed, whacked out artisteTM, who is also a perfectionist.
My agent, gods love her, gave me the "off the ledge" call earlier today. Both she and my editor have faith that the intellectual side of the brain will beat the craxy artiste into submission.
Ha, a search for Papyrus stationery store reveals this cringe-worthy picture.
Which picture are you specifically referring to? I have nothing against Papyrus. Or Comic Sans. Or most fonts, I suppose. Well, some of them are dumb.
The one at the top of the blog. Wherein someone has put up a sign about her impending marriage.
Congrats Allyson.
Speaking of scars. I have another wound to add to my knuckle thanks to cheese graters.