Be glad you can be pointed and run. I tend to like a couple, and then read everything ever written until there are just dregs of horrible stories. I have been stuck reading Penny/Sheldon because of a mention in Plei's LJ, and there seem to be approximately 5 good fics. Yet I think I have read 30.
In other news, my cat is playing with a (n unused) tampon.
Since used to have a fanfic page (including some PG-13 slash), I figure Real Stephen is more amused by it than squicked. The standalone page is gone, but I'd be surprised if it weren't still going strong in the forums.
But really, everyone should at least read Harry Potter and the Eagle of Truthiness, which is completely G rated and also hilarious.
Ok, Trudy, I'll keep my eyes out for a good "Stephen" fic for you...he gets slashed with Jon a lot.
I read it sometimes, but writing it seems too embarrassing
Matt Taibbi translates David Brooks. It's a thing of beauty.
I am in desperate need of going to the bookstore in Hastings Ranch and the library down the street. The bad side to the Hastings Ranch bookstore trip is the rain is really coming down now. Maybe I'll wait until this weekend.
I thought I was the only one here who wasn't into fic. I guess, if Wicked counts, I am?
I don't read fic either, javachik. Except for
and the like.
Wicked is as close as I come.
Wicked is fic by my understanding of it. Published for profit doesn't un-fic it.