This reminds me of when I checked my free credit reports for the first time a couple years back, and went "WTF!?!" and realized I was still on my parents' credit card from back when they gave it to me the week they went on their 20th anniversary trip when I was a senior in high school and took care of my siblings.
I have been trying to get a certain store to stop reporting my mother's credit card on my credit report for 10 years now.
I feel cool. Somebody I know was on Countdown.
I was already sort of jealous about the three degrees(she's a lawyer and a social worker, in addition to the lege. Which I'm no longer jealous of...gack.)
I must be in a "hurt me" mood this evening. I pulled out my Angel DVD's to watch "I Will Remember You". Still kills me.
They might like that, as they think platypuses disprove evolution.
Yeah, an older mammalian lineage displaying some reptilian characteristics (e.g. single cloaca, hip girdle, lack of a corpus callosum, and did we mention egg-laying?) is causing huge trouble for evolution. All the scientists say they were descended from pogo sticks.
Yeah, an older mammalian lineage displaying some reptilian characteristics (e.g. single cloaca, hip girdle, lack of a corpus callosum, and did we mention egg-laying?) is causing huge trouble for evolution. All the scientists say they were descended from pogo sticks.
Heh, I thought this was going to be a snarky comment on Steph's boobies, before I realized you were replying to a post. I kept reading for the punchline!
(Although I am SURE Tep's cleav is nice and non-reptilian!)
Giraffe power shot! It's the episode on herbivores (or "Plant Predators", as Mr Attenborough calls them). It's a good ep, but the giraffe power shot is my favourite moment.
Heh, I thought this was going to be a snarky comment on Steph's boobies, before I realized you were replying to a post. I kept reading for the punchline!
I would like to state for the record that I have no reason to suspect Steph's boobies of displaying reptilian characteristics.
I have no reason to suspect Steph's boobies of displaying reptilian characteristics.
Nor of being descended from pogo sticks.
I just had a very confusing moment here at the dance club. There is someone here who looks ASTONISHINGLY like ita.
Capture the doppleganger!