I just ate them all. I am, frankly, not sure anyone else in the family got enough to count as dinner. I only feel slightly guilty about this.
It was super easy. I diced some onion, tatsoi, and leftover port roast and sauteed it up in peanut oil, with a spoonful of minced ginger from a jar and some soy sauce. The wrappers are Nasoya brand, from Kroger, in the tofu area. Put a small teaspoonful of the filling in the middle, brush the wrapper with water and close, then brush along the edge and fold in half so they make a little boat/hat. Eve was able to do all this part, it is that easy. Then mr. flea fried them in less than 1/4 inch of peanut oil, less than a minute on a side, just until they brown.
It's the "makin' ya look at it" that's new.
That, and requiring the doctor to do the ultrasound vaginally.
I just saw some clarification in the comments. Basically in Florida it would be insurance through global billing (according to one Rep) and women out of pocket.
Agreed with the comments on Parenthood, and love that she show is taking its time, dropping little hints here and there, and letting it develop.
Ha! I just completed a massive upgrade project (it's taken most of the last 6 months) and sent an email to the COO and CEO on the status a few minutes ago (essentially a public thank-you note to the QA and IT folks who spent so much time working with me to get this done).
My boss replies with "nice email" and I immediately tell her I am obsessing over a typo ("out" instead of "our").
I love that her response is "It’s WORD helping you!!
That, and requiring the doctor to do the ultrasound vaginally.
Slut shaming, now with mandadory dildo cam!
You are absolutely right, Daisy. I noticed that hint at the time, but I'd since forgotten. Sorry about not whitefonting, Natter! Forgot where I was.
Mmm, wontons. I've been working on making a dumpling a week, because I never met a dumpling that wasn't delicious, but I haven't gotten to wontons yet. This week was leftover pirogi, because of the cleaning out the freezer project, but next week will be time for a new one.
I think making the wrappers is not hard, either - basically just flour and water. Other than the rolling them thin part, which I am not good at. Glad I have a pasta roller.
what if you can't? They aren't cheap.
Well, if you can't afford an ultrasound, you can't afford an abortion, now, can you? Of course, you can't afford a baby, either, but the whackaloons don't care about that. A good Christian white traditional family will probably adopt it. Maybe.
Storebought wonton wrappers also make easy homemade ravioli.
flea, I make homemade crab rangoon with those wonton wrappers. YUM!
NSFW Recipe Generator: What The Fu*k Should I Make For Dinner?
Aptly described on MetaFilter as "indecision + vulgarity = dinner," "What the Fu*k Should I Make for Dinner" (WTFSIMFD, for our purposes) is a new recipe generator that happens to be pretty NSFW because of its prominent huge-lettered use of the word, "FU*KING."
Actual site: What The Fuck Should I Make For Dinner?
There's also a vegetarian option: I Don't Fucking Eat Meat
NSFW for (text) language, obviously.