Jilli, if you listen closely, another babybat just got its wings. Owen asked me for black fingernails (nothing new) but he also asked for a skull necklace. The nails, I could do tonight. The rest may have to wait until I can find the right one.
Eeeee! Go Owen! Also, I have found good skull necklaces on eBay and Etsy.
The ideas (a lot, though not all) are definitely helpful. But her terminology is just Ever So Too TOO Fucking Precious for me to handle.
Ewwww, that sounds like it would drive me crazy. Plus, would probably trigger my semi-repressed Cranky Teen side to hide in my room and do nothing but read when someone tells me to do chore-like things.
Also, I have found good skull necklaces on eBay and Etsy.
That's where I'm looking. I need one petite enough that it won't bother him when he wears it.
For me it is more her "must be done this way". her site didn't leave me a lot of room to pick and choose what worked for me. ( I could ,of course, there are no fly lady police )
But I really liked a lot of her ideas - working with timers, or numbers. And even doing things that create a routine. I do not need aphorisms to clean my house however. I do think a clean living environment is good. If I can get it to visually calm, even better. I just need ways to make things easier and efficent and ways to catch up when things get behind.
I have an idea that someone (not me) who really wants to do a flylady site, minus what I think of as the "Precious Moments" style.
Start a site called something along the lines of "Flylady for noncomformists" or "Flylady for the rest of us" that simply takes the flylady site and translates it into terms more people will be comfortable with.
If that were done without permission it would be plagiarism. So, of course, get permission first and don't do it if you can't get permissions. Looking over the site, the Flylady seems very nice, even if her style is ... well. The point is I suspect that if asked for permission to set up a sattelite site that translates her work for people whose style is just too different from hers to accept the way she puts thing, she might well say yes. (Obviously, merchandise links would be to her merchandise, not a seperate set - unless a different agreement on that issue was worked out in advance.)
Anyway, don't know how much less work it would be. But if you get her permission so it is must a matter of rewording (and OK altering some of her advice on shoes) I think it would be easier than trying to create everything from scratch.
Y'all rock. Posts are bookmarked for lemony goodness.
No you don't. You people suck, talking about baking at 10 o'clock at night because I just had to go into the kitchen to make banana bread. (Well, what I actually ended up making was pumpkin gingerbread muffins with rum-soaked raisins, because my intent and my result never survive the threshold of the kitchen. But the late-night baking is still your fault.)
eat it! eat it now while it's hot! /late-night binging devil
megan, are you going to make lemon curd for me?
::bats eyelashes::
We're back from Reno. We hoped to beat the storm to the summit of the Donner Pass (yeah, that one). NSM.
Total white knuckle drive punctuated by cars spun out facing the wrong way and trucks face first in ditches and big rigs stopped in the middle of 80 to add chains. Like that.
We actually slid off the road at one point, but we were going about 5 mph, and we had a wide bank (there were places where it was Precipitous Drop) and JZ gently coaxed our car back to the roadway. Eeek.
So. The mountains took about two hours to traverse 10 miles. Then a swift 30 mph on the downgrade and eventually below the snowline to get out of the horizontally blowing blizzard and into a welcome driving rain.
Then we stopped in Sacramento and saw my friends Alex and Kris - who were both home from the hospital after their
kidney transplant surgery! (Kris = donor, Alex = recipient)
Kris was already pretty bouncy though tired. Alex was very weak and sore but he'd been in bad shape for a year. But apparently all his numbers were instantly better and he wasn't looking as yellow as a Simpsons family member anymore.
Matilda was Not A Trooper during the longish drive. We were accomodating as could be, but after we got home and endured yet another whine/pout fest I dumped her into a timeout and now she's PJed and tolerable.
megan, are you going to make lemon curd for me?
Well, I really do need a haircut.