Kathy, I've not been to Maine and that trip seems perfect.
meara, where you headed now?
I'm watching Community on demand and lamenting a certain cast addition.
I've not watched more than 10 min because I loathe Chase, but I am going to try and watch more because I've heard it's great. And I already watch the rest of that line-up!
I didn't go to Arisia today... just too tired, and ready to spend a day not negotiating huge crowds. (Even if Monday wouldn't be as crowded as some other days....)
I'm hoping the addition was just a one-off. In any case, not loving the stunt casting or this episode. Overall, still one of my favorite shows.
I have so much to do today, and so little motivation.
In other words, I may never work again because my eyes will be glued to the puppyness!
I have linseed oiled my deck furniture, showered and now am going to go spend some gift cards, I hope. Then I will come back and clean and eat and then go for a late swim.
Oh no. I don't think I can give my heart to a new litter!
I am enjoying the Fug Girls on the GGs: [link] And I think now I hate Julia Roberts, too.