I hadn't realised the other Reitman was his father. I assumed another brother team.
They're really rushing people off now.
I can't believe True Blood got nominated. A vampire series? Really?
I'm glad Hamm trimmed his beard. He was looking messy. But he looks great now.
I like Hamm better with the beard, actually. I think I gasped out loud.
How can they be so far behind already? The Mad Men people barely got up there before they were rushing them off.
Sophia Loren continues to be fabulous.
Did y'all get a commercial for "The Marriage Ref". Ewwwwwww.
Suzi, quite a few of them. It looks awful.
Yeah, that was ... I don't even know what.
Halle Berry's breasts still give a lovely performance, I have to say.
The worst ads I'm seeing are the married couple for the Chase Sapphire card. Don't like that wife.
Why aren't they playing off this guy who's wanking off Tarantino...okay, finally! Mad Men got a lot less time.
Woody Harrelson actually looks normal. WTF?
I normally tune out mentally during commercials, so if something pulls my attention it is either clever or horribly awful.