I'm at least glad Kidman's not blonde anymore.
I don't like the peach. Never had. Best I can guess is that it doesn't translate well on TV, to explain why so many keep choosing it.
Didn't like Kate Hudson's dress. Knowing she had no boobs and that the shape was all construction...nah.
Alfre Woodard's daughter looked very pretty.
Harrison Ford has the charisma of a wet rag. Geez.
Harrison Ford seemed vaguely stoned, if you ask me.
I liked Kate's dress!
I thought Ford looked over botoxed.
Kate's dress would have looked better with Fergie's cleavage.
What's with the Ryan Bingham refs being made by the best song winner?
I think T-Bone produced and Ryan Bingham wrote it?
What is X-Tina wearing? The one boob in different fabric looks odd.
And Cher's wig looks way too....wig-like.
yeah Christina's dress was unfortunate. and Cher is usually unfortunate, but it's expected.
I didn't know that Amy Adams was pregnant.
I actually kinda liked Cher's outfit. Maybe because I have low expectations from her on the fashion front.
Does Drew have a sailor flap at the back of her dress?