There's one near work, but it's in the opposite direction from home, in the direction where traffic sucks. I found pants I think I like, but they're weird with their waistlines and I'd really rather try them on first.
I pronounce diaspora die-ASS-pora.
Merriam-Webster agrees with you, ita. Huh. So we were both wrong! (Me and Emily Rooney...)
And the guest on the show said "dee," not "die," so I can take heart.
I was pronouncing like ita. Glad I was good! I'm still sketch on
many words that I've read more often than I've pronounced, sometimes. Ah, the days of my little sister saying she wanted a cah-NOPE-ee bed.
Criminal minds is already freaking me out. This is not good.
Except in the way that it is.
Just wait, Perkins! I was creeped big time but oh, my was it worth the payoff.
Hey Gud, I don't want to scare you but the Royals are going to be astonishingly bad this year.
Do we really think astonishing is possible at this point?
Oh, CM does look like a doozy tonight. JJ is
wearing a creepy amount of makeup,
Do we really think astonishing is possible at this point?
Despite 24 years of suck, I think yes.
This is an epically bad team, comparable to the Tigers of the early 2000s that won 49 games, or the '62 Mets.
Not just bad. But bogglingly awful.
Not only do they have no hitters, but they're all poor defenders.
They have one great starting pitcher, a good closer (much good that will do them) and maybe three average players. Everybody else is extremely subpar.
There are Double-A all-star teams that would be markedly better.