I believe that Murphy does have a shower scene in 28 Days Later, but that is definitely Monaghan: [link]
[D'oh, missed it by that much.]
I fell out of the sitcom habit a couple of years ago and never found my way back.
Yeah. Well, okay, I just watched Extras last night, but that was on DVD. Even when I was watching more TV, I can't remember the last time I regularly watched a sitcom. They're just not appealing for some reason.
If you want to get back into comedy, I HIGHLY recommend Better Off Ted.
I think there has just been too much political news for TDS to do a late night TV segment. What with Harry Reid, Giuliani (still taking contributions for his 2008 Presidential bid Join Rudy 2008) saying there were no domestic terrorist attacks during the Bush Administration, Blago back in the news, the John Yoo interview. There's just too much stuff.
I got out of the sitcom habit when Seinfeld went off the air, and got back into it with HIMYM, 30 Rock, and Parks & Rec.
With Sarah Palin joining FOX news I think they may need to bump TDS to an hour.
I didn't watch 30 Rock in its early seasons, but they sucked me in with Tina Fey as Cathy and the MILF Island episode. I find that the mute button is very useful in dealing with Tracy Morgan.
With Sarah Palin joining FOX news I think they may need to bump TDS to an hour.
You know The Colbert Report will fight TDS to the death for Palin coverage opportunities.
So, 2 hour block, then?
Thanks for the Dominic Monaghan confirmation. I will reply to my would-be-corrector with cites. I must have missed that episode of Hetty. I don't remember bummage.
I lapsed out of sitcoms too. I tried to get back into them with mainlining 30 Rock, but it just never took. I've caught bits of HIMYM and it never really worked for me, despite loving NPH and liking AH.
I can still consume UK Coupling (the Jeff seasons) without hesitation, though. I would like to give Extras a shot, for the guest stars.
I like what I've caught of The Office, but even HIMYM hasn't really grabbed me. Friends destroyed my sitcom gene!
is the funniest sitcom I've seen in a long, long time. I think it's funnier than
30 Rock
Parks and Rec.