And you kept watching because, honestly, he's not only hot but a heart-meltingly sweet Ideal Dad (IRL too, apparently; he had a brief relationship with Meg Tilly after they did Valmont together, bonded with her kids, and has remained a dedicated quasi-stepdad over the decade and a half since the breakup)
They were together for a number of years, IIRC. Long enough that they had a kid of their own before they split. (Which gives an incentive to remain in the lives of all the kids.)
Man, I leave you guys alone for a few hours and you start a new topic without me?
under my um-ba-rella
ella ella
hey hey hey
you're welcome.
Errr. I seem to have just signed up for Groupon in both San Jose snd Las Vegas. And bought a massage in San Jose. ($36 for an hour massage)
Hi, My name is Perkins, and I am a groupon addict.
Hey, it's Friday!
What are people doing this weekend?
I am getting my hair cut, and doing laundry.
Perkins, I fear people are actually working, or the whole board has been raptured without us.
I have not been raptured.
Me, either. I'm just not fully caffeinated yet.