Right?!? Unfortunately I think this was the back up bottle. The last couple of weeks have been... trying. Between the cat going back and forth to the vet and Mike's car accident*, a trip to the store is sorely needed.
(Apologies to those not on FB, as I think that's where the cat and accident drama have been talked about.)
Thanks. We've actually been fairly fortunate, all things considered. Mike could've been injured much worse and Ashton is home and healing rather quickly, so life is still good.
Hey, did anyone claim the peppermint bark yet?
Oh, eek, Nicole! Have not been on FB at all and had no idea of the accident. Is he okay? Poor guy, and poor you.
Nicole, did they ever figure out what was wrong with Ashton? Or, is he just back to eating on his own?
Hey, did anyone claim the peppermint bark yet?
Nope. It's sugar free dark chocolate if anyone wants it.
I want it, sj!
JZ, he has a concussion and he jacked up his back. Basically he's been either surly, loopy or passed out the for the last week. And depressed since his baby (the truck) is most likely going to the scrap yard. This morning, though, he's reporting that his head doesn't hurt too badly, so that's a good sign.
Sail, it's been a total rollercoaster ride. They never figured out why Ashton originally stopped eating. He started on his own again, though, after a couple days of us pushing food into him through the feeding tube. A properly functioning liver is a wonderful thing! But then he couldn't get the food out on his own so he had to go back to the vet to have a number of enemas. Once he could defecate on his own I was called to pick him up again and then told to wait because they found an abcess where the feeding tube was. Poor guy. His neck looks horrible (they pulled out the feeding tube and lanced the abcess, which is draining from the hole where the feeding tube was) but he is improving daily. I'll be happy when he gains back some of the weight he lost through all of this.
I forgot to say that I loved Tep's new shirt. The Boy needs some sort of punctuation to wear now. Hmmm...
Poor Mike and Ashton! I'm glad they're both on the mend. 2009 has a lot to answer for! ::glares menacingly at it::
I want it, sj!
I thought you hated dark chocolate? Send me your new address.