We had a lovely evening, and I'm absolutely exhausted. The children, especially Kara, are, of course, hopping out of bed every 5 minutes (I can't think sweet thoughts! I need to go to the bathroom! You're not in bed yet--you better get there so Santa can come in!)
I think it was an appropriate response too. Perhaps mote/beam ought to be applied by the person in question.
I'm wearing a cozy new flannel nightie. It's so nice.
Kmart sucked this Christmas. Their website was a nightmare, they left half an order in limbo that I finally canceled last night, so Greg didn't get new jammies, and they sent the wrong jammies for Aidan, but someone else gave him a pair (his school sent home a bunch of presents for him), and the ones Kmart sent were Kara's size and style (the shirt says "I can't hear you over how awesome I am"), so that was an inadvertent win, and I found the toys at etoys.com for the same price or less (previously cheapest at Kmart, less than Wal-Mart, Target, ToysRUs and Amazon.)
All the santa presents are wrapped. We're just trying to make it until the kids are definitely asleep before filling stockings and going to bed.
Nora, the weather here is pretty awesome. The rain was supposed to finish up today, and it's nice and warm. And there was the most gorgeous rainbow in the sky this afternoon.
Well, past midnight 'round these parts so wishing all who celebrate a lovely, lovely Christmas and overall, the joys of the season and of the upcoming new year.
I feel kind of lost, not having been around much recently, but I hope that after the new year and the new move there'll be more time for popping in on a regular basis.
Dana talks nice about the weather now...
Merry Christmas, east coasters.
I can't hear you over how awesome Kara is, but Merry Christmas anyhow.
Liv is watching The Grinch and told me that when she's mad, her heart is too small.
Mine too, Liv. You can come visit any time. I'll make cookies.
Barb, I was just going to post -- quarter past midnight means Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
Our poor postal person just delivered a fruit basket. Not nearly as fun as a predator head.
OTOH, a predator head isn't nearly as tasty as a fruit basket.
We're back from 11 hours and 2 family visits, where we ate and ate and ate and I drank too much wine as usual, and got gifted beyond what we deserve. My dad was astonishingly generous as usual, giving us a jaw-dropping sum of money, as well as really thoughtful gifts (one was sort of a combination of a telescope/binoculars, because he remembered us saying that we run outside to look for space junk when it passes overhead) and the DVDs of Up (which we haven't seen yet) and the Star Trek reboot (which we have seen but still requested). Dad immediately borrowed the Trek DVD.
The Boy and I won't open our gifts until tomorrow morning, and then later in the day we go to his family. The dogs got new chew toys and the cats got Pounce treats (their favorite), and we got a gift card to PetSmart to get the dogs new beds (which they deperately need). If this cold would go away, then I would call it a most excellent Christmas.
I think I'm going to retreat to bed with the newly gifted Teen Titans TPBs (from early in the reboot of Tim-Kon-Bart).
OTOH, a predator head isn't nearly as tasty as a fruit basket.
Not if Alton Brown makes it.
Of course, now we have to get Pete to agree to making a jello mold out of the head, and then we have to get hold of Alton to see if he's willing....
Merry Christmas, to them that celebrate it.
Merry Christmas from the Texas time zone. What looked as if no gifts would happen turned into 3 packages today. Not sure when to open them.
Back from my dad's place. He apparently thought we were driving up. Our pressies include a car fridge that we need to get home somehow. This could be challenging.