Jilli, that's wonderful.
We don't open a gift on Christmas Eve, but I wish we did. We don't even put prezzies out until the morning due to an excess of naughty nibbling kitties.
I would like to report that The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is still effing hilarious.
I love the postal delivery guy at the Reasons. Our poor postal person just delivered a fruit basket. Not nearly as fun as a predator head.
That is HiLARious Jilli.
My son is playing hide and seek with me. I try to leave him hiding as long as possible as it keeps him quiet. But really, I should start seeking.
That's awesome. The UPS guy came three times between today and yesterday. Down our snow-covered dirt roads. And got stuck once, pulling out. I think they were not nearly as cheerful as dude delivering life-size Predator alien.
head, with a Devilbunny (who covets it mightily) for scale: [link]
We're watching the Black Adder Christmas Carol. I had no idea such a thing existed, yet there it is. My niece and nephew are at their significant others', so there won't be any gift opening tonight. Tomorrow we'll be waiting until the kids get up to unwrap gifts. The youngest is 18, so gift opening may not happen until lunch.
Or someone getting arrested. Scary shit either way, P-C.
Yeah, "Put your hands up" is a very cop thing to say, right? But wouldn't the police knock on the stall and let me know things were okay? Isn't it their job to make me feel safe, godddammit?
I feel better today. Joshua Jackson jogged right past me!
Jilli, Greg is jealous of the Pete's present.
when she's mad, her heart is too small.
Aw, Liv. I love it when kids are so smart. Good idea to tell Kara about Prep and Landing. She liked that show.
Nick and Kylie, my FiL and his boyfriend all just left. We opened the FiL and Nick and Kylie presents. Nick was thrilled with his apple pie kit and Kylie loved her bracelet.
Aidan just gave me big kisses. "You're so awesome, Aidan." Aidan: Yes, I AM awesome.
Gonna go give the kids a bedtime snack and put them to bed now.
ETA: Kara asks if next week is good for you, Jilli.
Very nice present giving, Jilli!
One day with family survived, two more to go.
My cousin made an extremely racist comment tonight, and then got mad at me for swearing.