Here's the sort of day I've had. Actually, let's start from yesterday, when Ryan had his eight-month check-up. He remains in the top 10% for height, weight and head circumference. He seemed to remember the nurse, and while he watched her intently, he was comfortable with her around. (By coincidence, this nurse was also on duty at the hospital the night Ryan was born, so she's known him as long as anyone.) She also tested his manual dexterity by giving him two small blocks. He took one, passed it rapidly to his other hand, and grabbed the second block with his thumb and forefinger. Apparently this trick usually appears around twelve months. We are, of course, ridiculously proud of him.
Today he continued his gorgeousness onslaught with many smiles and giggles for pretty much everyone. He had a new trick for us too - while lying on his tummy, he lifted said tummy clear off the ground, supporting himself on hands and knees. He doesn't have the balance worked out yet, but he's getting so close to crawling. (He can already manage a commando-style belly-shuffle, but only backwards. He's always so surprised when he runs into something.)
So anyway, the novelty hasn't yet worn off this whole parenthood thing. Then I got some nifty news today. I'd got my Uni results a couple of weeks ago, all quite respectable. Today I got a series of letters in the mail, from the head of the department. Apparently I placed first in all three subjects. I'm feeling pretty chuffed about that. So is my family, which is nice.
I've mentioned before that Wallybee and I are getting a lot of help from her parents. I asked her tonight to let them know how much I appreciated their help, and that I couldn't have managed my studies without them. She said she knew I felt that way, and she'd already told them.
I'm a lucky, lucky man.