Got my MRI results from yesterday (for the aching foot of doom) and nothing seen that would be causing what i'm experiencing. Bone bruising, sprained ligaments...but no clots or obvious nerve damage. Dr is calling in new Rx for ambien (gulp) to see if that'll overwhelm the pain enough for sleep, and oxycodone because it has longer efficacy and might just buy me enough pain relief time to catch up on sleep. i am currently so sleep deprived that i was downright mean to my mom on the phone yesterday (after apologizing in advance and afterwards for my excessive crankiness) and the cats are shying away from me. Last night i got four rounds of 1 to 1.5 hours of sleep over the course of 16 hours. lots of time spent reading brain candy in between, waiting for the moment 4 hours was up and i could take another dose of painkiller and hope for a few hours of sleep. No such luck. If today's Rx options don't buy me some sleep tonight, will be moving into nerve-med territory which is even more squirm inducing than the thought of taking ambien (at least i'm alone in the house, so no one to terrify or witness my embarrassment.)
On the bright side: i have dr approval to go swimming as long as i don't kick; he doesn't think that my swim on friday brought on this night-time misery. If i can sleep tonight, i shall attempt a deep-water aerobics class tomorrow.
Ooof, poor erin_obscure. At least no nerve damage, yay?
erika, I'm glad it's nothing.
t rantycakes that I dare not put elsewhere
Dear craftspeople and artisans: if the primary decoration of what you make is lots of cogs and gears on something, please don't use the keywords "goth" or "gothic". Because really, goth and steampunk are two different things. Cousins, sure, but not the same, and when I'm browsing "gothic Victorian", I don't want to see a wodge of gears glued on random items.
t /rantycakes. maybe.
How frustrating not to know what's causing it, erin. I hope the new medication helps.
I just got email from the local PD reminding us to celebrate the new year without gunfire. I really thought I had moved to a place that didn't need those kinds of reminders. Oh well.
I just got email from the local PD reminding us to celebrate the new year without gunfire.
How can you have a new year without random people firing guns into the air?
It's possible I've lived in Chicago too long....
How can you have a new year without random people firing guns into the air?
It's possible I've lived in Chicago too long....
And here I thought it was a Very Miami Thing.
Can someone come save me from the brown packing boxes o'doom? I will make you key lime pie...
Oh GC, Shane is a beautiful, beautiful baby.
It's a slow day. How slow? I just sorted my roll of Neccos into their various colors, looked up the Necco website to ID the flavors, then sampled each one to get a baseline of which ones I don't like.
The purple ones are clove! And the white ones are cinnamon. My preference list is white (cinnamon), pink (wintergreen), black (licorice), brown (chocolate), and purple (clove). The orange, green, and yellow ones (orange, lime, and lemon) are no-go, though the lemon has potential. Interestingly, the website says that they've gone All Natural and that the lime ones weren't able to make the transition, so future Neccos will not have lime ones.
Thanks, friends :) Here he is:
Baby boy! Look at what you made with your own body! He's so awesome. Good looking kid.
Shane is so beautiful! Such a wonderful little boy.
Shane is so
What a beautiful little boy!