SHANE DAY!!!! Ahem... are things?
It is hypothyroidism, and they have called in a prescription for the synthetic thyroid.
I take synthroid every day. It's a slow acting med, so it will take a few weeks for it to be at full strenght in his system. They'll probably want to re-do his bloodwork in about 6-8 weeks.
I just got back from a dinner party. I am a bit tipsy. I didn't drink a lot, but I'm on OTC cold meds, too, so it hit me a bit hard. Great party!
Slings and Arrows. You'll love it. I guarantee this.
I adore that show.
P-C, I took a close friend to my company holiday party since Steve's in Boston, and we had a swell time! You will too.
I really need to see him in something other than Due South.
Men With Brooms. Because he's naked.
ma~~ to Sumi's friend's little boy
P-C, I took a close friend to my company holiday party since Steve's in Boston, and we had a swell time! You will too.
Yay! I hope to. My friend is very entertaining.
Any word on baby Shane? Welcome to the world! On the solstice, how cool is that? GC, hope you are doing well too.
The Girl just started a sentence with "The thing I like about zombies is..." *boggle*
This is how well the UK copes with winter weather: [link] Unbelievable. I am not even trying to leave the house today.
Continuing best wishes for GC and DW!
Hmmm. I seem to have acquired a 7 y.o boy. Mom says a 1/2 hour screen time a day (combine TV, Wii, movies.) My darling BF thinks not 1 1/2 hours, spaced out, is more reasonable for a vaca. I have to say I agree.
I am drinking coffee, listening to some anime cartoon, and listening to the merry thud of lego crates being emptied all over my living room. Soon, I will make pancakes.
Dealt with the person who wanted to cheat using my exam. Texted her (she was unable to answer her phone) that: "I'm going to disappoint you: even if I was able to take that exam, giving it would have been considered cheating. I'm sure none of us would like to be suspected of that. You'll have to manage without [it]...".
And, I actually emailed my ex-lecturer about the thing I'm thinking of asking from the head of my class. It's also very weird to try and talk casual with an ex-lecturer, and I try to balance the sense of respect with the "he's not my lecturer anymore, he's getting me, I can actually say what I think without too much filters and even tell non-academic jokes", but it's nerving. The whole "don't do something wrong, even accidentally" is very strong in my case.
Now, late lunch and studying to the quiz I'll be having tomorrow of the New Testament, so I'll have to miss a show I really want to see tonight. Joy.
Where are the Shane updates?!