I'm all "awwww" now. Last summer, a teenage guy on the vegan message board where I post posted a message saying that his father owns a pizzeria and he's got to work there during the summer, and he wants to put together a vegan menu there. His father said fine, as long as the kid was in charge of everything -- ordering the supplies, getting the menus printed up, advertising, whatever. A bunch of us on the board gave advice about which brands of vegan cheese we thought worked best on pizza, and what sort of things we'd like to see on a vegan pizza menu that we hadn't seen too often, and suggestions for places to advertise, and stuff like that, but I'll admit, I was largely thinking, "He's just a kid, no way he can get organized enough to get this to actually work. His father's going to say to get rid of the vegan menu within a few months."
I was wrong. The pizzeria got written up in the NY Times, with a big photo of him. [link]