Cashmere, that is absolutely ridiculous. Can you sit down with him, go over what's left, and split it up? I think you've shown real restraint in not beaning him with last year's fruitcake.
Aims, I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you. I hope one of the teachers here has some good advice.
Dear dog, one of the few things that pleased me from the last round of layoffs (and we lost a LOT of people I wish they'd kept) was the manager who was so obsessed with the Myers-Briggs. Those semi-regular department meetings were a horror.
Aims, my mom weighs in...
My idea: "First let me say I adore Suzy, although I do have some concerns about her. I'm hoping you can help me figure out what to do. Of course you know the troop is for all the girls and when we have to spend too much time helping just one of the girls, that takes away from our ability to care for all. So what would you suggest I/we do when Suzy takes up so much attention? NOTE: Mom may say "I have absolutely no idea."
well, here are a few thoughts I've come up with. See what you think: 1. You could remove Suzy from the room when she's unable to concentrate. 2. You could intervene to stop Suzy's behavior. 3. We could ask the troop to do some problem solving. It would go like this:
Girls we have a problem. Sometimes we have to spend so much time taking care of Suzy that I am not able to do the activities that are planned for the day. So, I have a blackboard (or whatever they're calling it these days), and I'm going to write down all the possible solutions for the problem that you all give me. So, what's one thing we could do to help keep our schedule running smoothly?
NOTE: You write down everything they say, good ideas, not so good ideas, no judgement, this is brainstorming. When you've written down everything they've said, you say something along the lines of "Good, you've come up with 10 different ideas. Let's go back to idea #1. If we do this, what might happen next? And then what might happen?, etc." So, is this a good idea or not a good idea?
#2 etc.
After you've evaluated all the ideas (you may be surprised at how the girls are tuned into this, cuz it's their exact words on the board), let's see which idea we would like to try first. Sometimes kids come up with ideas grown-ups would never have thought of, but they can also say "hit her," etc. Everything is valuable and words must be written as the kids say them. This all comes from a book by Myrna Shure, I Can Problem Solve.
I like everything Laga said. But I don't think I would want to label Suzy as a problem to be fixed by the group. But maybe the suggestions could be presented as rules/ways of dealing for all the girls.
[link] another cat vs. bathroom fixtures vid.
Cashmere, that is absolutely ridiculous. Can you sit down with him, go over what's left, and split it up? I think you've shown real restraint in not beaning him with last year's fruitcake.
He's agreed to step up. I'm just so damned tired and we still have a week to go! I feel like I've plowed through so much that I'm in a better head space and less cut-a-bitch phase.
Aims, since Owen often has issues that teachers have to broach with me, I think the best way is to be honest, but kind. Just explain that you want to make sure that her daughter is included in everything and want to work on strategies to help her enjoy more of the Daisy experience. I have worked with O's teachers to solve problems like this several times and we've always managed to come up with something that makes everyone happy.
I think the best way is to be honest, but kind. Just explain that you want to make sure that her daughter is included in everything and want to work on strategies to help her enjoy more of the Daisy experience.
This. Cash is wise.
I are tired. Show went...well....the second show was terrific. The first show? They got through it! Which is enough for middle school, I suppose.
INFP/J fence-jumper here. Tested INFJ as long as i lived at home, then INFP as an adult. Then i realised that the switch is being around my mother. Apparently she makes me turn into a J. I think it might just be compensatory.
ION, _Vampire Diaries_ is actually a very engaging show tonight. Maybe it's the vicodin? I didn't like it before...
I started watching Vampire Diaries with this week's marathon. I think everyone's deeply stupid, but I keep watching.
I think everyone's deeply stupid
Yes. But Damon is often deeply evil too. Do not underestimate how compelling this can make the show at times.