Plei, don't panic, but your daughter is being eaten by a rock.
I can't even comprehend how big and beautiful and not-infant-y Emeline and Tickybox are!
Not to mention Matilda, who was born, like, 2 days ago, right?
I won't even think about Emmett being as tall as ChiKat. I refuse.
If you look at the full size, you can see that she's covered in glitter.
I blame Jilli.
I am not the one who believes that vampires are inherently sparkly. I just think glitter is fun to play with.
It's funny, because she does look a lot like Paul, only with my facial expressions.
She absolutely has your facial expressions. It's fun to watch.
Plei, don't panic, but your daughter is being eaten by a rock.
It's actually an egg. From which small children can hatch.
It's actually an egg. From which small children can hatch.
But...aren't they found under cabbage leaves?
You're trying to put her back in the egg so she'll stop growing?
I can't believe Emeline! She's so grown up and pretty and stuff! Craziness!
Lillian is also as adorable as ever. Love the vampire queen pix!
My great-uncle used to threaten to put us in the freezer so we'd stop growing.
I didn't know these kids when they were itty bitties, but the photos are great! (And make me want one. Which is a whooooole new kind of black magic that The Girl is slowly working on me. Must... resist... or... will not have any money or energy or food in the fridge for eighteen years...)
I love the Em and Lili pics. Makes me wish I had the energy to upload some of my kids but I'm not feeling great today.
Emeline and Lillian have gotten so big! We just received a Christmas picture of TCG's niece and nephew who have also gotten way too big! These kids need to stop growing up so damn fast.