Aw, Emeline!
ION... I have a significant amount of dread for this afternoon- my office is doing a Meyers-Briggs team building exercise so I have 3 hours to be face to face with my entire team who thinks I suck. I just ate some suspect leftovers in the hope they would make me sick and I wouldn't have to brave the entire afternoon.
Aims, we had pregnancy overlap! She can't be that big!
[link] (Mine, either!)
Holy crap, Nora, it sounds like you're in a real life DINAO!
What! Emeline! A girl! With school photos and everything!
Meyers-Briggs team building exercise
Do you hear that sound? That is the sound of ultimate suffering.
Uh...Joe should start his calming meditation practice now.
I seem to recall one of the COMMs involving Joe, a hopeful Emeline suitor, and heavy duty weaponry. Good thing Michigan has lots of places for Joe to practice his aim.
my office is doing a Meyers-Briggs team building exercise
I already know I'm an INTP, which means I already know I'd hate this.
Goodness Emeline has grown! and I love this picture - looks like she's plotting world domination (yes, I know she is ... she just doesn't always LOOK like she's in the process).
I swear, Lilybean has an ethereal, self-possessed beauty that takes my breath away.