I vote for staying home after wisdom teeth removal. This is under general anasethetic, I take it, rather than local?
Local plus nitrous oxide. I'll be in a happy little orbit. But now that I've talked to you all, and Daniel, and my supervisor, I'm thinking the best thing would be to see if I can have it done on a Friday (taking that day off) just before one of our weekends off, so I have a few days. Supervisor has asked me to wait till the holidays are over. Considering it is no emergency, and that the holidays come with a special brand of scheduling nightmare, I think it is quite reasonable. (Mostly I just made that appointment for next Wed. because I knew if I didn't, I would end up procrastinating indefinitely, but if it was scheduled, I would reschedule, if need be.)
Thank you, all, for your thoughts on it. You really did help. And so patiently, too, as this is not nearly an interesting enough topic, like grammar, that it deserves to be brought up for its own sake.
Some calm-ma and focus-ma would very much appreciated over the next couple of days. I have mis -managed the time and effort on a major project at work, and I'm so dreading what will be involved in getting things back on track that I could very easily slip into shutdown mode.
Also, I really don't want to start in on the negative "you are such an incompetent loser" talk, or put my energy into seeking reassurance rather than actually getting shit done.
Lots of calm and focus~ma for you, Anne. Let us know what else you need - encouragement, hairpats, inspirational sayings, butt-kickings for people who want to pretend they've never screwed up, etc.
{{{Anne}}} Tons of ~ma headed your way.
Lost of ~ma to you Anne.
Man, I'm tired and also feeling a little sad. And yesterday I slipped on the ice and fell hard walking home from the bus stop. Is it too early for Spring?
Yesterday was very Mondayish for a Wednesday. I hope today is better for everyone.
Very gentle {{sumi}} I wish it were Spring, too.
All kinds of ~ma, Anne.
{{sumi}} You've had a tough few weeks that are probably taking their toll on you.
much work~ma for Anne.
Yikes, sumi, I'm sorry! It's the ice I hate the most about winter. I hope your body recovers from the shock quickly.