However, if you need to continue to work there, it might be in your best interest to suck it up and ask for a "clean slate" meeting.
I think this was that meeting.
The rain errand and subsequent snippy email was full out not contested by me as a bad, bad thing I did. But there was all this other stuff that I was dumbfounded by.
Well, I have an interview next week for an interesting opportunity, so maybe that timing will prove fortuitous.
I'm sorry, Nora. I hope your interview is great and you get into a position that you love!
I'm sorry, Nora. I've had those kinds of meetings and they are rough. Fingers crossed for the upcoming opportunity.
Ugh, Nora - I'm sorry your boss used the meeting to surprise you with shit.
Nora, I'm sorry. I had a similar experience with an e-mail I shouldn't have sent yesterday.
{{{Nora}}} My clean slate meeting seems to have worked, so I hope yours will, too.
Sorry, Nora. I would rather NOT be right in this instance.
I'm sorry, Nora. I hope your interview is great and you get into a position that you love!
What Soon-to-be-MomCookie said!!
Arrrrgh. When my company entered a partnership deal with a large pharma co, my role was finding a good, secure, easy-to-use file sharing site. We decided on and we are having MULTIPLE issues. Issues so bad that I now have to find another site. Like, immediately. And do the set up and data migration over the holidays. Thankfully really only our QA groups have been using the site, and there's not that much I'll have to move. But still.
Anyway I write this here in the hopes that one of you has a site you use for work that you LOVE? I am looking at and right now.