580+ posts.
The prayer discussion is made of brilliant. I feel lucky to have lurked it after the fact.
Plei's etsy links are evil. Amych I hope the knee feels better. Aims you made me laugh out loud, but I can't remember why (580 posts!). Windsparrow glazed pears sound delicious. Happy Hannukkah to all who celebrate.
I'm so sorry for your loss DJ. Much comfort to your family.
Hope your head feels better Jessica. GC you totally did the right thing. Have fun Omnis.
Sparky, insent.
So, Dylan told DH this morning that Santa brought him a present. When pressed for details, he clarified, "The RED one!"
The irony is that the preschool he's in is owned and run by Trinidadian Jews, so it's not like it's all-Santa-and-Jesus-all-the-time over there - the winter holiday stuff they've been doing has been very multi-cultural. But I can see why American rabbis in the twenties were eager to make Hannukah a big deal to American Jewish kids.
IIRC, One of Us did a research on oral history/testimony, right? Because I can haz questions about it.
VW did one, if that's the project you're talking about.
I gave The Girl the entire Eddie Izzard back catalogue as a present.
Damn, you are the Best Fiancee EVER!!!
"Every time you say a prayer and God don't answer, he told your ass 'No!'" -- 50 Cent on Graham Norton.
So very timely, and quite unlikely, really.
OK. Third night of entertaining for Hanukkah. This time, six guests. Six of them. At once. On top of the four we've already made latkes for. Our kitchen looks like something made of flour and eggs exploded in it. Which is basically what happened. (We had fun when we realised the pan was wet, after adding the oil and turning the heat up. And when one of the menorahs fell over, candles still lit. And also when I decided I was capable of pouring wine for my guest, and realised after tipping half a bottle of the stuff over her that I really wasn't. Fun times!)
Damn, you are the Best Fiancee EVER!!!
I have just pointed this comment out to The Girl. Every so often, she needs reminding ;) Turns out Sexie is only so-so (although there is a truly superb bit about seeing-eye dog training). I'm hoping the final one is as good as his early stuff.
Shir, what kind of work are you doing on oral history? Sounds interesting. I'm keen on life history research as a sociology research method. It might be involved in my PhD. (The currently-fictional one that I'm not sure is ever going to happen.)
Thanks, everyone for the positive, helpful comments on my twin sister's pregnancy. She went in to have her blood drawn today and her HCG levels doubled in 24 hours (which is what they want to see). This has reassured her somewhat. We know the next 12 weeks will be a nail biter but for now, she is pregnant and happy to be so. We'll deal with things as they come.
So many thoughts to her right now. And to you too, Cash.