I love little kids' reactions to learning about teh sex. They're always "GROSS! WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT?"
Yeah, never thought that. I thought it was weird and I didn't understand it, but if it had that many people that caught up in it, it had to be something.
I understood about babies and pregnancy
before I understood about sex. Which is to say, I knew babies grew from eggs in wombs, and I kinda knew sperm helped. I just had no idea where sperm came from, because most of the books my mother had were pretty much conception onwards. The bit where she gave us the talk at 7, I was all "Oh! That's where sperm is kept??"
But mostly she gave us the talk because she'd heard us talking dirty to the kids next door, and she wanted to forestall stuff.
Next time? Get rid of the porn first. Just saying. Because that was where I went right afterwards. Now that I knew there were
bits in it.
We had sex-ed in 5th and 6th grade. Mostly menstruation and anatomy stuff. Basic how babies are made material.
"Real" sex ed was whenever you took Health in high school. My class was much like amych's in the STDs!! AIDS!! Except my teacher (and track coach) also talked about the female orgasm and anal sex.
Pretty sure we didn't have a Health class in high school. We did in middle school, I think, but I think more drugs than sex. Then again, we were legally mandated to not be taught evolution, so we probably weren't supposed to hear about sex, either.
"Real" sex ed was whenever you took Health in high school. My class was much like amych's in the STDs!! AIDS!! Except my teacher (and track coach) also talked about the female orgasm and anal sex.
We had Health every year in high school. We were required to take Gym every year, and for one quarter, we'd have Health instead.
When we had the sex talk in UK high school (as opposed to whatever we learnt in biology), all I remember clearly is that all the condoms were stolen. I don't know if anyone was listening at that point. Ships were well into sailing by then.
As a high-schooler, I would've loved a quarter of Health a year, just because I hated PE that much and was actually good at all the failure rates and blood alcohol content calculations.
Instead, we had PE every quarter, plus Health for a separate one-semester course. And I discovered the wisdom of taking archery every quarter with the PE teacher who was notorious for getting high with students out back of the gym.
In high school, we had to take PE once a week, and ballet once a week, but I'm not even going to pretend like my high school experience was normal. We could also go get Communion before a particularly hard test, if we wanted.
We had 5 semesters of PE required, I think, and one of those was split with driver's ed. There were no different types of PE classes to be taken, though.
Ugh. Normally the parental sex talk conversation doesn't faze me at all. Seriously, not at all. But today, it seems to be touching a tender spot.
I even went for an hour and a half walk with the little guy to pull myself out of it, to no avail.
PLEASE skip over the next bit if you are at all sensitive.
I'll whitefont just in case.
Here are the only three sentences my father ever uttered to me about sex. "If you try to stop me again, I will kill you." "Yes, it is supposed to hurt." And the capper, "You wanted it that way.'
At the apex of the ironies available in the human condition, he refused to sign every single sex-ed permission slip ever produced in my academic career. So. Not only
did I have to suffer the brutality and humiliations at home, but
I also got to be that weird kid who had to leave perfectly normal science classes to go sit in the nurse's office.
Sometimes, I look in the mirror and just have to shake my head in disbelief.