OMG, when we went to the
premiere, some people spotted Colin on the red carpet and started shrieking "Best Patrick evah!" I almost died of embarrassment and had to hurry into the theatre while he went over and got fawned on.
Dude, I love you, but really? I will mock you (and them) for that forever.
Lesbian Spank Inferno
Heh. I remember this one.
"Best Patrick evah!"
I still maintain he's the most attractive Patrick EVAH. (Sorry, British Patrick,
Connie, neuroendocrine carcinomas are cancers that produce an abnormal amount of hormones. The hormones they produce are related to the tissue they were formed from. Many cancers really consist of more than type of cancerous cell. For example, breast cancer is usually a mix of cancerous cells arising from ductal and lobular tissue in the breast. Uterine cancer can consist of a mix of cells from uterine tissue and neuroendocrine carcinomas. Even when treatment kills the other cancer cells, the neuroendocrine carcinomas can survive. They're also more likely to spread than plain uterine cancer.
This is my mother's talk to me about sex:
"You've read enough to know.....?"
I still maintain he's the most attractive Patrick EVAH.
Okay, so this I will never be able to judge.
I just went and image googled patrick coupling
to see how soon Colin came up, and the answer is #5. It's his only appearance on page 1, but I am surprised. They got cancelled after, what, 4 eps? Of which the only one I liked was the one that wasn't adapted from the British script. Apparently the rest that didn't air were better too.
They're also more likely to spread than plain uterine cancer.
So less "Two different cancers, OMG!" and more "nastily complex and clever cancer." I found, and it had a good explanation, and it answered why she's had lung and gut complications as well. (Why is it the healthy one of us who's getting this? My family goes over from bad hearts, not cancer.)
My mom once, casually, said, "You know, I never gave you the talk. Do you want it?" "NO MOM!" And then I met the guy I would marry at 16. So.
Shortly after I got married at 18 she was also all, "You know, I intended to teach you to cook. I just thought I had more time!"
My mother never gave me the sex talk. I was left to pretty much figure it out on my own.
And Shir ... maybe you could share the Scary Sex Toy Friday links with people. If nothing else, it might shut them up.
My mom bought a complete set of body encyclopedias for us when we were about 8; I can't remember ever having the talk, but I remember asking a few questions.
Mostly, they knew I was reading all kinds of informative stuff, so they just kinda grooved on that.
Course, I never thought I'd have to give the talk to an actual kid-shaped person of my own, but I was The Teacher Who Gave Out Condoms and answered the sex questions, so I am cool with it.
But at what age should the sex talk begin? I mean, it would be logical to say ""When they start asking questions" but some kids never do.
9? 10?