I wonder how long before my uncle de-friends me in Facebook. He posted a
I'm flying this flag to oppose the Muslim worship center at Ground Zero.
And I responded heavily. Syms. Not "Ground Zero". Religious freedom. If we say no to one religion, that could lead to only sanctioning one religion, and how that is the most Un American thing I can think of.
Even while I spending quite a bit of time sitting with very unhealthy patients, everything short of hauling out the crash cart seemed to be a pretty low priority. And frankly, from the outside of the hospital it's easier tonsee why that's the case, but when you're the one in the hospital, NSM.
Totally. It's really frustrating just wanting an answer, let alone morphine for a loved one who's in pain, and the staff being unable to appear with it (the answer, morphine) within 60 seconds. Realistically, I know they're understaffed and overworked, and they have multiple patients with numerous, often complex, needs, and every patient's needs are important. I respect and am often amazed at what healthcare professionals can do, but when it's my loved one who needs something, then I wonder what in the HELL is taking so long.
Hospitals are so freaking random. I feel bad paging a nurse for a blanket, but they're very nice about it. But when it's my IV that's infiltrated an no one answers three pages and fluid is pumping into the muscle and I have to work out how to disconnect myself and go stumbling into the hallway, I wonder if it was someone and their blankets.
A lot of the time, however, I wonder why they bother giving time estimates, because they are so random. That doctor that was supposed to see me in a few minutes today never ever did show, despite the assurances of three nurses.
omis My aunt put up the same thing.
There's a "I'm flying this flag to SUPPORT" if you want to add that.
I kinda went into overkill in response to my aunt - I posted a SHAME SHAME thing about the Gainesville church that is planning on burning the Koran on Sept 11th.
And also a quote from a former Bush speechwriter pointing out that Obama is President to Muslims too, including those in our Army and those working with the coalition forces.
At the grocery store today, and old lady complimented me on being frugal when she noticed me pick up a can of Del Monte tomatoes, put it down, and then pick up a can of store-brand tomatoes and put that one in my cart. It was a bit weird.
His name is Gunther. He kissed me 3 times!!
I went to visit this little sweetheart today [link] My friend C is planning to adopt her. She's so wee and skinny and obviously just needs somebody to love her and squeze her and call her George Sparrow.
::flounces in to whine a bit::
The dogs must have dragged through a wasp nest outside because when they came in (straight to my office, as is their habit) there were at least a half dozen of the little bastards clinging to the dogs. I didn't even notice them until I heard Jasmine snapping her jaws and I looked down and saw one on her flank. Then another flew out from under her that I stomped on. Then I noticed Pisces doing the same thing.
That's when all hell broke loose. The dogs trying to eat the things, me trying to clobber them. Normally, I'm not too squeamish with wasps-- not my favorite thing, but I can stay calm enough to stomp on them. However, all bets were off after one flew into my hair. I don't think I've screamed that loud since childbirth.
End result, all critters dead (thanks to intervention from Lewis who's even worse with bugs than I am, so he was definitely very brave) and I am now coping with the first sting I've ever suffered. In my life.
On my scalp.
The upside is, I don't think it got its stinger fully in me, since there's not a lot of swelling, but it definitely hurts. I'm also feeling decidedly skeevy and in need of a hot shower.
I'm also feeling very pitiful because did I mention it hurts?
Can you apply a paste of baking powder to the site, or is it too much of a pain with the location?