I am no longer in training for police dispatch at work. it was not a good night. My supervisor let me go home early on CISM[1] leave (usually reserved for extremely traumatic calls). I have self medicated with excessive exercise followed by alchohol, comfort food, and ice cream. Now i shall attempt to sleep and allow the kitties into my bedroom so that they can glom on the bed with me. That's how much i need snuggles. There need to be more awesome people close by and on my schedule. IJS.
[1] Crisis Intervention Stress Management. Totally appro for my mood.
Oh, damn, erin. I'm glad the supervisors at your work are so understanding of how bad the stress of just doing the job can be.
Oh, Erin, I'm so sorry. That sounds like an awful night. Many hugs from the east coast. I hope you can get some sleep.
Oh Erin - I am so sorry sweetheart. Many hugs to you. Wish we were closer, too.
Erin, it must have been awful; I'm sorry!
Alas, the funny story only made me feel sorry for the kitty...
Ginger, seriously? I would've been gone long before you. That's ridiculous.
That's a cute kitchen, Hil!
{{{Erin}}} Take care of yourself, honey.
I know it's a joke, but kitties being eaten is never funny to me. I can't help it. I am always oversensitive to those types of jokes.
Anyway, we are waiting for the results of Drew's bloodwork this morning. If it's clear, I get to bring him home. This would be good since he's going crazy stuck in the hospital.
Bloodwork~ma for Drew. Is he still in a lot of pain?