Congratulations, Trudy!
Meanwhile President Obama has caused unease within his own Democratic party by endorsing the library and claiming that not everyone who reads books is responsible for calling Mrs Palin a fuckwit nutjob nightmare of a human being.
Although I will admit I've contributed to the stereotype.
In celebration, I am going to hit the beach and pick up pizza for dinner on the way home.
Insent to your profile addy, Sean.
I got defriended again on Facebook for having and stating my opinion and not being the right kind of Christian!
Aims, you are being persecuted for your (lack of) faith - you must be doing something right.
Yay, Trudy!
Sean, I'm glad the check came in.
We're having a nice quiet day at the beach, and T should be getting in soon! We're spending the day with her and her DF tomorrow.