and yay, sj, for the lovely choice for wedding venue! It's so pretty. I hope the car is easily fixed and that TCG doesn't argue with you when you start wrapping him in bubble wrap.
Thanks, Deena! And thanks to everyone else who commented on the wedding venue and on TCG's car. You guys are the best.
I survived a two hour last minute babysitting session today. The immediate tears anytime G hears the word "no" are starting to have very little effect on me.
Ginger and billytea, much ~ma to you and yours.
P-C, I feel so sorry for your brother.
I'm sorry Ginger and billytea. Too much of that kind of news going around.
Want to hear something fucked up? TCG was looking at his current accident report and the one from a year ago and the passenger in last years accident was the driver in this years. Apparently they didn't recognize each other at the accident scene. What are the chances of that?
That's super crazy, sj! How weird.
And I'm sorry, Ginger. That's terrible.
sj, how super bizarre!
Any Bitches with an itchy red pen, er, font? I have *finally* gotten my resume ready for editing by other people, and of course being the procrastinator I am I need to send it to a few people Thursday so I can try and set up meetings for while I'm in NOLA. It doesn't have to be perfect, just coherent and without stupid errors and sufficiently conveying my awesomeness.
Ginger and billytea, I'm so sorry.
Brackets all around, Buffistas!
Best to Wallybee and her peeps.
Ginger, that's so awful. My best friend's parents went through something similar - her father had colon cancer (I think) and before they'd recoved from that blow her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. They were both in hospital at the same time for months.
That was some years ago and both are alive and well now, so best hope for your cousin and wife. But however it plays out, what a sucky situation for you all.