I miss church more weeks than I go. It's such a good thing I'm an Anglican. (Where I can also be gay. As long as I don't try to get ordained. Because we're all about the hypocrisy.)
Cursing alone could take up a lot of confession time.
I used to try not to swear, but I've given up in recent years. Calling other drivers bastardy fucking wankers is preferable to attempting to kill them. I think.
Tonight TCG and I are going to look at the notes we made of all the places we visited and decide when we are going to get married!
Yay! Have fun.
Congratulations, Gris!
I like the general idea of confession, but I get hung up on the priest part. I don't see where they'd have the authority to absolve someone. That seems like it goes against "judge not lest ye be judged," and infringes on a deity's territory.
masturbation [yes, whacking off is equivalent to murder]
And here's where I pull out my Catholic grade school story in which it was announced that masturbation was a sin. Cue every kid in the room looking confused and asking the kid next to him/her, "What's masturbation?" Good old Catholic education!
Good wishes for my oldest sister as she starts another round of chemo, this one involving hospitalizations because of the time it takes for administering the drugs. She's feeling frail and listless and has to force herself to eat because of the growths in her pelvis. Reconnecting with family over funerals is not the way to do it.
Gris got married?!
YAY Gris and spouse (I don't even know who Gris married. I've been gone too long.)
Oh Connie, please forgive my bad timing. I skipped to the end of the thread and your post wasn't up when I started composing. All the best to your sister, and to you and your family.
Good ~ma for your sister, Connie.
Congratulations, Gris!
Good wishes and full recovery for your sister Connie.
Congrats, Gris! Details! We want details!
Best wishes for your sister, Connie. May the treatments be well tolerated and effective.
From what I read last night, confession is still a tell-all-your-lurid-secrets dealio.
I believe that in some parishes at least, they will do a general confession/absolution during the service - which is frowned up by their higher-ups, and yet, they do it that way anyway. In those parishes, the priests will still make themselves available for those, usually older people, who prefer the old fashioned one-to-one confession. Of course, my knowledge of Catholic churches in America comes mostly from Andrew Greeley novels, so what do I know?
How did I end up being the person who gets into a political fight on Facebook with one of my best friend's MOTHERS? I've known this woman for 21 years, spent holidays at her house, and she just fucking defriended me on Facebook.
The Internet is so bizarre.