Yeah, I guess I wasn't totally clear in my original post.
I was just unclear because I thought you wanted all of the pictures gone. Not just the naughty ones.
Yeah, you show your awesome living in awesome sin girlfriend nakeds of the ex and they need to go away. End of question for me.
Also, eat. Drink some water and eat something. You will feel better.
I maybe shouldn't have shared all that. But I'm just a raw nerve right now, and I just flipped out like a mammal. But internally.
Ler's just say i agree. naked pictures are something that should be discrete
Um. Wow. I agree it probably wasn't intentional, but I agree the nekkid pics should go away. Hang in there, sweetie.
As if he doesn't have enough healing to do, poor Drew is sick. He had either a massive allergy attack or the start of a horrible cold out of the blue about an hour ago. He's collapsed in bed now.
Poor Drew. Feel better quickly!
I hope he does. As Cash pointed out elsewhere, sneezing and coughing after abdominal surgery--laparoscopic or not--is not fun. He's been asleep for a couple of hours now. Worried about him.
I have pictures of ex BFs and ex-husband. And a couple of naked ones in there of one of them (but not sexy times naked, just sitting on the bed with the light coming in the windows in a cool way naked). They're mine and in my file box where J would probably never see them. I assume he has pix of exes, too. Sexy pix would freak me out, though.
IO ex-pix N, a couple of weeks ago our cleaning lady found a big framed wedding picture of the DH and his ex-wife gazing lovingly into each other's eyes and helpfully put it on THE BEDSIDE TABLE. We think it had somehow slipped behind a bookshelf somewhere.
For someone who has a hard time getting rid of things (which he does, and you've mentioned), getting rid of those pieces (one presumes taken before it all went to hell) are probably emotionally more difficult than it would be if he were 100% neurotypical.
Of course my (essentially diagnosed at this point) ADD hording of similar things always lost out to my depressive episodes and their need to BURN ALL THE THINGS. (Umm. Literally. Out in the woods, lighting the pictures and letters on fire with a cigarette, because it seemed like a good idea at the time and [further details redacted].)
So be gentle with yourself, remember that shit like this can be part and parcel of what makes him him, and set a mental reminder for, "Honey, about those naked pictures of the ex..." six months down the line.
In a different and more beautiful counterpoint, a "my god, I begin to believe there was a hand in this universe", I am off on an island a couple hours from Seattle, and not only did I get to spend some time gazing at the milky way (more stars than I've maybe ever seen before in my life), then my companions decided to night kayak, and discovered that there's some plankton that are lighting up when you hit them, so the bow of the kayak and the paddles and any splashes you make are lighting the night with a fantastic eerie blue glow I so wish I could photograph or video. My god.