Oooh, office rage. I'll play!
Seriously, dude, it's called COMMON SENSE. When literally the only change in the article is to change "FL" to "Florida," IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE PROOFREAD and by insisting we "follow procedure" you are just slowing everything up massively. (Unless you truly believe you are such a moron that you can't spell "Florida" and/or CHECK YOUR OWN WORK.)
[Note: Craigslist links to jobs will probably make me lose my shit entirely today, so, please no.]
My work rant today: I'm sorry you have to do extra work to fix things today, but had you waited until I had reviewed the release until you called it a day, we could have had this resolved yesterday.
In other words, BOO FUCKING HOO my friend.
Work Rant Part B: I love it when someone calls me for one thing, starts to talk about another thing, and then GETS UPSET AT ME because we don't agree on the subject!!
Happy birthday, Deena!
And may skunks stalk all who are making everyone's work like harder. ANGRY skunks.
Jilli, a friend of mine from high school posted a link to her etsy store, and I thought you might like this bag:
Work rant: Who came in and totally wrecked this office? Why is there random stuff piled everywhere completely unrelated to work process? Who is responsible for this mess?
Oh, right, me. Hm. Travails of working for yourself.
Happy birthday, Deena!
ION, I just posted this in Facebook, but I was heading here first and got sidetracked:
Cool story on how non-toxic hydrogels are helping the world plant gardens where they couldn't grow so well... Silly title, though.
Are you fucking kidding me? I just got a call from one of my students who lost his scholarship ("I just found out because Financial Aid sent a letter to the wrong address") He said "I'm in shock, it's so abrupt". I was like "what do mean, abrupt? Didn't you know that you didn't meet the GPA requirement in May" He said "I thought I had" @@
Let's not even talk about the countless emails that I sent out in May and June about checking their accounts to make sure that their scholarships were listed online (technical issues this year). Never got a call. Because if I had, I would have told him that he lost his scholarship. Ugh!