Thank you, Nora. One of the many, many awful things about Joey's death was the timing -- we really were having a lovely, fun vacation in New Orleans, and I was so excited to get to meet up with you and Tom that night. We'll get back there someday.
I've also been meaning to chime in and send you and Tom lots of good wishes. Moving to a totally new city with someone is just rough, no matter how much you love the place and the person. I hope you guys can find the space to take it easy on each other, and yourselves, when it starts to seem overwhelming.
Nora, I get in Thursday night (lateish) and leave early early Tuesday morning. So yes, we could do something Friday!
Think on that when you think your seatbelt is uncomfortable or annoying.
I never got this. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I never found seatbelts uncomfortable. And they were annoying only when I was trying to get my wallet or something, but not so annoying that I would NOT wear them. And I was only trying to get my wallet at a drive-thru, so it's not like I'm *going* or anything.
Edited because "majority" = opposite of "minority"
And once you get in the habit it feels weird not to have it on, at least in the front seat.
AWESOME! I will keep Friday open- let me know if you would rather do lunch or dinner and I will arrange something accordingly! A lot of nice restaurants do great lunch specials and it is a lot more mellow than dinner. Also, cheaper.
You can always hit me on my profile email addy.
And once you get in the habit it feels weird not to have it on, at least in the front seat.
Totally. I once test-drove an old Lincoln with no seat belts - it was a weird, scary feeling.
Think on that when you think your seatbelt is uncomfortable or annoying.
I never got this. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I never found seatbelts uncomfortable.
Oh, they are not comfy. Boobs. But I wear them religiously. And everyone in my car wears one. Nephlet grew up thinking that they had to be clicked before my car would even start.
I never got this. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I never found seatbelts uncomfortable.
A lot of older cars, and a few newer ones, seem to have seatbelts designed for relatively tall people. For the shorter people among us, the shoulder strap on those tends to dig into the neck and chin rather than going across the shoulder.
I never wore them until I was in my late twenties, probably because my dad had such a rabid hate-on for them.
But I do now, and the last two cars I have had are so much better with the belts for the boobage. Dan's car's seat belts such for my tits though; just slide right on over to armpit/neck choakage.
Stephanie, did my friend ever get in touch with you about Moldova? Do you still need someone?
no and yes.
Eta: but there is no huge rush.