How are things going with the Boy's mother, Teppy?
He called this morning and said that she had a rough night, breathing-wise, but seems to have settled down now. Every time he calls, I expect it to be him telling me she died.
For one, you saved him from coming back from his mother to face a dog-shit debacle.
I didn't even bother to tell him about the dog shit debacle, because he doesn't need to launch into a litany of "I am so sorry you had to clean that up!" (He is the designated dog poop cleaner-upper, because it generally makes me barf when I do it.) He's got more than enough on his plate and doesn't need to feel bad that I had to clean up the poopsplosion and clean up the dog.
My inner Greek chorus of madmen HATES not telling him, because they want a cookie for their good deed.
If Boy's mother is stable tonight, it might be a good idea to take Boy out to a movie, or some other mindless activity.
He won't leave. I could barely get him to come home for a few hours yesterday to get a shower and clean clothes and sort out which bills are due when so that I can pay them and get them in the mail today.
Sends cookies to Steph's mad Greek chorus.
Sends cookies to Steph's mad Greek chorus.
Me too!
OMG, so sleepy today. Need... to... make... red... beans!
Need... to... make... red... beans!
Nom! I would take that in lieu of a cookie.
Adding my good thoughts to the many for the Boy, his family, and Steph. I went through this with DW when her dad had leukemia and it is SO hard.
I am not very functional this morning, because Husband was up at 3AM with an ear infection.
Hugs to Steph and Nora and them that needs them.
"I do," he said. "And she loves me."
"That is *never* something to be sorry for," I sai
Oh, now, that got me.
Steph, clearly you need to buy yourself beef and cookies today. But not beef cookies, b/c eww.
Today's OKC chat weirdness... one guy is telling me how Carl Sagan was a total pothead, and another launched into an explicit explanation of his sexuality without explaining first that he's interested in hooking up when he comes to town. Bit much for a Monday morning.
Stephanie, did my friend ever get in touch with you about Moldova? Do you still need someone?
I just dropped the box spring on my toe, proving once again that housework can kill you. Can I have a cookie?
My inner Greek chorus of madmen HATES not telling him, because they want a cookie for their good deed.
I totally get this way myself. The best solution I have found is the mirror conversation. I tell the story to an imaginary audience, in minute detail, out loud and with extravagant embroidery...sometimes over and over. I'm not sure why, but it helps me to expend the desire for affirmation.
In any case, you get massive props from me, for what that's worth.