I'm thinking there is both a fairness issue and a maintain good relations with the client issue here, and both say to me "waive the charges."
I would waive the charges, for both reasons. I might contact the vendor and ask for some consideration (discounts, extra parts, etc.) for the time that you spent with their tech, which was pretty significant for the damn thing not to work.
I'm now in pain from laughing so hard after digging through other strips from the same artist.
You've checked out the angler fish, haven't you? [link]
Dog~ma for Betsy, erika. I kept meaning to say that, all day.
Gronk. I came home, ate dinner, and fell asleep for about three hours. Now I'm sort of awake and sort of hungry, but I don't really have anything to eat that doesn't require cooking, and I'm not really awake enough to cook.
Just had a delicious dinner of grilled salmon, mango salsa, basmati rice, and sauteed squash and zucchini. It was so good, I even ate the vegetables.
There. My first foodie post.
That sounds delicious, Zenkitty. If there are any leftovers, I'll be right over.
My sister and I hoovered up every bite! She pointed out that she'd never seen me clean my plate before.
Dog~ma, erika.
That sounds yummy, Zenkitty!
G slept through the whole time his parents were gone, looking like a little angel.