Today- HH and dinner for friend whose last day at WORST JOB EVER!!! is today.
Saturday-Nothing, I think. Jon has to work for someone else, so I may just enjoy having the house all to myself.
Sunday-Parking Lot Pool Party and Cut-offs contest at Double Wide with Boys Named Sue! Hubs will be guest bartending there as well.
I might finally get my lazy butt to the Farmer's Market tomorrow.
I'm going to see my sister's one-woman show tonight and have a memorial tomorrow and I don't know what on Sunday. Hiding out and recovering from two days in a row out among the humans, probably, and clearing out the DVR a bit.
Kind of a messed up end to an obituary.
Michael Batterberry, Influential Food Editor
Besides his wife, Mr. Batterberry is survived by a sister, Anne Walsh, of Princeton, N.J.
He is not survived by Gourmet magazine, which ceased publication in November.
Something they had already written and amended badly, perhaps?
It's mainly an unfortunate attempt to shoehorn a Latinate structure where it didn't belong.
Is true. Like split infinitives. But it doesn't stop either from feeling wrong. To this frustrated prescriptivist in a descriptivist's body.
Was supposed to go the Farmer's market tonight to hear a friend's band play, but am too freaking wiped. Today, spend lunch driving my car which has been overheating (despite the $700 we dropped on it two weeks ago) back to the the mechanic who "fixed" it and walking back to the office. Hoping it will be fixed by the end of the day, when I walk back to pick it up. Tonight, collapse.
Rest of the weekend: Weeding and pruning in the garden. Movies on Saturday. Work on Sunday. Write. Find a cool card for DH for our anniversary on Monday. Pilates at some point.
OK ... I'm in deep shit at work. And I'm not sure exactly what's gone wrong, except I've reached the point where anytime I don't immediately dive into my boss's latest project for me, even to ask a question, I get in deeper.
I'm getting more and more - and more detailed - work dumped on me (for example - a director for another department decided we needed an electronic newsletter, found a company to do it, decided it would go out weekly, and that I'd be responsible for transmitting our input and checking their proofs. From there it's turned into my having to check with everyone in the office for their input, check their input to make sure we have links, check our website for upcoming events, check our regions for upcoming events - getting links for all of them - and now I'm also supposed to be on the lookout for items to include in the newsletter. And checking the proofs is a project in and of itself, because their templates default to linking everything to their own site. And yesterday I had a major argument with our contact there - who's made it very clear he doesn't answer to me - about including a link to our LinkedIn profile.)
Today it was that an entire section of our website is out of date - the fact I've been asking for updated info doesn't count - and I have to get it completely updated by next week. In addition to handling the electronic newsletter, plus writing a 1,200 word story for our journal, plus web maintenance, plus plus plus.
I'd planned to start looking for another job, but now I don't know if I can even hold onto this one long enough.
Sounds like a conversation with your supervisor is in order. You need to be given the authority and information to do your job.
This is my supervisor who's doing this to me - she's assigning me projects, and more projects, and she's doing ... I have no idea what she does in the few hours she's in the office. She's stopped writing for the journal, she's stopped editing the proofs of the journal, she's very disappointed that I'm not going through the entire website periodically to check on what needs to be updated (even though anyone can - and does - make changes without telling me - she nailed me yesterday because someone had inserted an image and resized it so it was out of proportion), my responsibilities keep expanding and much of it is things I have no control over or access to.