x-posted with Other Media, since more SPN fans probably read here than in that thread:
I started watching Under the Red Hood (the newest Batman animated movie) tonight, and god DAMN if Jensen Ackles isn't PERFECT for Jason Todd. Wow.
Also? Neil Patrick Harris as Nightwing? AWESOME.
I'm not too far into it yet, and I gotta hit pause and go to bed. Still, I'm liking what I've seen so far.
Sheesh, I just spent the last 5 hours sending out 24 individual check in/referral request emails to doggy lama clients. I really need a few more sessions this weekend...fingers crossed.
No takers on the Spinner yet, either.
Quester, much recovery~ma for your friend.
is it possible to od on cranberry concentrate pills? What would the symptoms be? The bottle says to take 3 once a day with a large glass of water....i've taken 3 over the last 2 hours and still having that horrible feeling of impending doorm. They are a few years old, 400 mg each and it seems like i should be able to keep a steady flow of the buggers until either the problem resolves or becomes a full blown uti :(
Possible upset tummy from too much vitamin C but if it's that or a UTI? I'd take it, personally.
Look at me, being all late-shift Tep tonight.
I have to agree with Cass - upset tummy, check; horrible doom and painful death, not so much.
Seska, I'm eating Kraft Mac&Cheese right now, and thinking of you. Do you need an infusion of comfort food now?
I started watching Under the Red Hood (the newest Batman animated movie) tonight, and god DAMN if Jensen Ackles isn't PERFECT for Jason Todd. Wow.
I'm looking forward to it. Is there an air date for cartoon network?
I don't know what brought Fred Rogers to the mind of the XKCD writer, but... [link]
Seska, I'm eating Kraft Mac&Cheese right now, and thinking of you. Do you need an infusion of comfort food now?
Yes! Feel free to send it over. (It might be less messy for the post office if you don't make it first.)