I've packed a few more boxes, wrapped up half the glass doors of my bookcases, taken the legs off my table, and cleaned out everything I could reach under my bed. Also brought a chair and a garbage can down to the dumpster.
Still left to pack: a few more boxes of books, one box of desk stuff, probably two boxes of tchotchkes, most of the kitchen stuff (I packed most of the big pieces, but I've still got all the dishes and the smaller pots and pans), the rest of the glass doors, bedding, shoes, bathroom stuff, the last of the clothes, TV, Tivo, DVD player, stereo.
Still to do: bring broken electronics to electronics recycling, cancel cable, cancel phone and internet, set up cable and phone and internet at new apartment, clean microwave, clean out under couch.
I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff in this list. Still, at least it's at a point where I can actually list things now.
And...the kid can bring a Bible to school. No biggie. The school just can't endorse a single religion; i.e. "Look at the Bible little Jimmy brought to school! That's the one truth! Let me tell you why!"
P.S. The whole not having to carry papers things is to protect legal residents who might otherwise be racially profiled.
This is what I want to say to the stupid person.
I also informed her that in addition to bringing the Bible, the kid could also start a religious club and hold meetings IN THE SCHOOL!! HOLY FUCK.
Oh SNAP! Response from a mutual friend:
I also find it curious about getting upset about not being able to carry the Bible, yet being for this immigration bill. Did Jesus believe in healing the sick and feeding the poor after you show proper documentation? Am I missing something?
I also find it curious about getting upset about not being able to carry the Bible, yet being for this immigration bill. Did Jesus believe in healing the sick and feeding the poor after you show proper documentation? Am I missing something?
I don't know who this friend is, but I like him/her.
Her. She's amazing. I adore her, too.
"Why shouldn't they have to answer the [immigration status] question if I can't send my child to public with a Bible?"
Heh. Daisy already answered this, my immediate thought was "Why can't my child bring a Bible to school if I can't have gay sex in the middle of the street?" WTF does one have to do with the other? Oh, wait, you CAN do both! ...one is slightly less advisable than the other. I'll let you pick.
one is slightly less advisable than the other. I'll let you pick.
What time of day is it and is it a paved or gravel road?
Also? My birthday is soon.
So you want having gay sex with meara in the middle of the street to be your birthday present?