Health-ma for the Boy's mom, Tep.
I'm on my phone so can't meara easily, but hugs and -ma for everyone else who needs it. I'm still waiting to be able to go in to see my poor drugged, gall-bladderless husband. Everything went well, but I won't feel better until I can actually see him.
Boatloads of ~ma to The Boy's mother. May she feel better enough that she can truly enjoy her anniversary celebration.
Boatloads of ~ma to The Boy's mother. May she feel better enough that she can truly enjoy her anniversary celebration.
She's as tough as my dad, I tell you what. She's a breast cancer survior (double mastectomy), and with the COPD, her doctors didn't expect her to live past 2005. So, she's tough. But still, an infection in her lungs is scary as shit.
~ma for you, the boy, and his mom, Tep.
Yay for recovering Drew!
And now my lunch time is over.
sending out healthma ~~~ in all directions
I'm headed down to the hospital now, while The Boy's dad goes home to pack a bag and take care of a few things. The Boy can't get away from work until 4:00, so I'm going to keep him mom company for a while.
Adding my health~ma wishes to beth's, for ND and the Boy's mom.
Hoping Zen and her family have a good visit, no drama. At least none that isn't the fun kind.
Health~ma for The Boy's mother and for ND.
So I'm in recovery with Drew now. He's ok, bit we may be here awhile. His O2 keeps dipping way down, and they aren't sure if it's undiagnosed sleep apnea or just the anesthesia wearing off. It's scary seeing him stop breathing. He's really pale and out of it, but if he is on oxygen and sipping a little juice when he's conscious. I'm hopeful the breathing will even out and we will be able to go home in a couple of hours.