I hope I didn't kill the thread being dumb. That experience just helped me learn that keeping a big secret about your identity can affect communication in weird ways that you might not anticipate and that "coming out" is not really about sex at all...I mean, it is, and it's not.
Yes! That. In both the ways that you were talking about.
Erin (and anyone else interested), I'm @lilwatchergirl on twitter. I talk utter crap there. Just, y'know, for a change. :D
Edit 'cause I forgot something.
Well, except that my doctor always feels the need to start off by looking at my aorta and telling me that I don't have Marfan's. Um, 4'10" and fairly round-shaped here. I kinda knew that.
Heh. My 'marfanoid habitus' is the reason I have to get fairly regular ECGs. I only wish the height-type effects of that had spread to my whole stature, rather than just my feet and arm-span. I wouldn't hate being tall.
Thanks, smonster!
I just checked weather.com, and it looks like my first shot at seeing snow will be this Saturday, when there's a 30% chance of wintery mix. It's sad when a person looks forward to slush. Still, snow--yay! It'll be a good weekend to stay in and bake, if the power doesn't go out.
Shir! Israel 30th Dec - 7th Jan! Confirmed, and everything. F2F, yes? *happy bounce*
there's a 30% chance of wintery mix.
Hrmph. Does not bode real well for my triangular travels.
But if you just talk about your friends in the same way you'd talk about anyone else -- "My friend Trevor and his partner Steve just got back from vacation, and they lost their house keys somewhere in Spain and couldn't get back in their house for 3 days!" -- that would seem normal and fairly chill.
Makes complete sense to this not gay person.
That experience just helped me learn that keeping a big secret about your identity can affect communication in weird ways that you might not anticipate and that "coming out" is not really about sex at all...I mean, it is, and it's not.
Absolutely. There are plenty of communications where no personal information is relevant at all. In communications that involve discussion with personal opinions and views it is helpful to have a picture of the personal experiences that have formed those views. Many young single gay guys may share the opinions of this old married with kids straight woman, but how we arrived at our views may have been via another path. How our experiences have shaped our views is an interesting part of discussion for me.
Yay for Israel F2F!!
Much ~ma for Sean. Also, miss you.
Yay for snow for thems that like it.
Erin, I'm Zenkitty714 on Twitter. Come, join us. I don't do much "I'm having a tuna sandwich! I'm standing in line!" posting, but I warn you, there are a lot of "my cat just..." posts.
Is it me, or is it super quiet in here today?
I gave up on Twitter when I realized that the only thing I had ever done was respond to follow requests. I had never posted there or gone there to read anything. Since there is already the neglected Facebook and the neglected Live Journal it seemed enough. When I do get time to be read or talk it is here.
eta: super quiet, the reason why I could enter the thread without mass skippage
erin, I'm Cashmere on twitter, too.